Introducing Brokers Guild Referral Network.
Join the Brokers Guild Real Estate Referral Network and start earning commissions from real estate deals without having to pay for the MLS or join an association. You can make an unlimited amount of extra income by simply keeping your real estate license active and providing referrals. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of your hard-earned Colorado real estate license. People are always buying and selling, so sign up today and start making easy money with referrals.
Do you have another full-time job?
Are you retired?
Taking a break from real estate?
Part-time real estate agent?
Moving to another state?
Tired of paying Board of Realtors® Dues?
Tired of paying monthly fees?
Not making enough in real estate?
Keep Your Real Estate License Active And Park It With Brokers Guild Real Estate Referral Network; You Will Be Glad You Did!
No MLS Fees
No CTMe Fees
No Monthly Fees
No Realtor Dues
No Association Dues
Keep Active Status
Annual fee $195, must maintain E&O insurance and educational credits.
Get Ready to Maximize Your Colorado Real Estate License.